Monday, May 8, 2023

Customer Profiling using RFM metrics

Customer Profiling using RFM


Every company creates Products or services or both. These are developed keeping in mind the needs of the customer. Hence it is safe enough to say that the customer has the ultimate say in the success or failure of the Product/Service and eventually of the company. You must have frequently seen that many companies carry out market studies to understand the customer perception of their product, how customer perceive a particular feature or how do customer relate themselves to a particular product. All these help companies fine tune their go to market strategies and align their products/services with the customer needs.

Hence we can say that understanding customer behavior is the key determinant of success or failure of a company. Along these lines we will look at a key method to understand customer shopping behavior.This will enable us to do the following:

  • Define customer profiles based on their behavior
  • Discuss the framework that predicts customer churn and lifetime transactions
  • Tailor marketing efforts using customized loyalty programs to better manage customer base

For our analysis, we will be using the rfm_data_orders transaction data set from rfm library. It has data for 995 customers with details about the total sales(revenue) for each transaction done by the customer.

Step 0: Installing libraries<-c("dplyr","lubridate","openxlsx","tidyr",

for(i in{

  if(!require(i,character.only = T)){

  library(i,character.only = T)


Step 1: Importing the dataset

Importing the RFM data set from rfm library

# A tibble: 4,906 × 3
   customer_id         order_date revenue
   <chr>               <date>       <dbl>
 1 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2004-12-20      32
 2 Ethyl Botsford      2005-05-02      36
 3 Hosteen Jacobi      2004-03-06     116
 4 Mr. Edw Frami       2006-03-15      99
 5 Josef Lemke         2006-08-14      76
 6 Julisa Halvorson    2005-05-28      56
 7 Judyth Lueilwitz    2005-03-09     108
 8 Mr. Mekhi Goyette   2005-09-23     183
 9 Hansford Moen PhD   2005-09-07      30
10 Fount Flatley       2006-04-12      13
# … with 4,896 more rows
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  customer_id         order_date revenue
  <chr>               <date>       <dbl>
1 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2004-12-20      32
2 Ethyl Botsford      2005-05-02      36
3 Hosteen Jacobi      2004-03-06     116
4 Mr. Edw Frami       2006-03-15      99
5 Josef Lemke         2006-08-14      76
6 Julisa Halvorson    2005-05-28      56

The attributes are as follows:

  • customer_id:Customer ID
  • order_date: date of sale with year,month and day information
  • revenue:Total value of th customer order

For this blog, we will focus on:

  • Creating the RFM metrics
  • Identify relationship between thes metrics

If you unable to import the data, then you can download the rfm_data_orders.csv dataset form my github repo repository.

Step 2: Extracting the RFM Metrics: An Illustration

The data set is basically a transaction data for every customer.Lets look at one customer id to understand it better.

  filter(customer_id == "Mr. Brion Stark Sr.")%>%
# A tibble: 8 × 3
  customer_id         order_date revenue
  <chr>               <date>       <dbl>
1 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2006-05-16      75
2 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2006-03-31     205
3 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2005-08-26     104
4 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2005-07-30     212
5 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2005-05-17     165
6 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2005-04-02      33
7 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2005-02-15      26
8 Mr. Brion Stark Sr. 2004-12-20      32

Here the total number of transactions are 8.Hence the Frequency Score is 8.

  filter(customer_id == "Mr. Brion Stark Sr.")%>%
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1           852

Total Monetary Value is 852.

Lets now calculate the Recency value which is the total days passed since last purchase.If we assume th reference date as todays date, then the Recency score will be equal to the following

Today’s date(Lets assume we are in Feb 2007 ) - max(order_date)

  filter(customer_id == "Mr. Brion Stark Sr.")%>%
  summarise(Last_Order_date = max(order_date))%>%

[1] "2006-05-16"

as.numeric(as.Date("2007-02-15") - max_Date)
[1] 275

Hence the RFM metric for this particular customer can be represented as shown in the below table

          Customer_ID Recency Frequency Monetary
1 Mr. Brion Stark Sr.    6171         8      275

So we took an example of a particular customer id and calculated the RFM metrics for it.Next we will look at how we can derive the RFM metrics for all th customer ids in the data

Step 3: RFM Metrics for all the customer ids

In this section, we will develop the code to extract the RFM metrics from the customer data set

            Monetary = sum(revenue))

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  customer_id        Frequency Monetary
  <chr>                  <int>    <dbl>
1 Abbey O'Reilly DVM         6      472
2 Add Senger                 3      340
3 Aden Lesch Sr.             4      405
4 Admiral Senger             5      448
5 Agness O'Keefe             9      843
6 Aileen Barton              9      763

  mutate(Recency = as.numeric(as.Date("2007-02-15") - Last_Order_Date))%>%

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  customer_id        Recency
  <chr>                <dbl>
1 Abbey O'Reilly DVM     251
2 Add Senger             186
3 Aden Lesch Sr.         240
4 Admiral Senger         178
5 Agness O'Keefe         136
6 Aileen Barton          130

Joining df_FM and df_R to create the final dataset


# A tibble: 6 × 4
  customer_id        Frequency Monetary Recency
  <chr>                  <int>    <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Abbey O'Reilly DVM         6      472     251
2 Add Senger                 3      340     186
3 Aden Lesch Sr.             4      405     240
4 Admiral Senger             5      448     178
5 Agness O'Keefe             9      843     136
6 Aileen Barton              9      763     130

Step 4: Lets plot th RFM Metric

ggplot(final.df, aes(x=Frequency , fill="red")) + 

The distribution is skewed to the right with max value at 15.Most values ar around 5 and 6.

Lets look at the distributions of Recency and Monetary values as well.

ggplot(final.df, aes(x=Recency , fill="red")) + 

ggplot(final.df, aes(x=Monetary , fill="red")) + 

We can see that the distributions of R,F and M metrics are skewed towards the right with certain cases of a long tail. Let us now understand the variations by taking Frequency and Recency metrics along with Monetary value.

Step 4a: Frequency and Monetary Profile

This will help us understand how total value of the purchase varies with the frequency of total orders/transactions. One would expect that higher number of orders would result in a higher monetary value


ggplot(final.df, aes(x=Frequency2 , y=Monetary , color="red")) +

We can clearly see that as the total frequency of orders increase, the total monetary value also increases.Apart from the frequency box at 11, this pattern is pretty consistent. Lets check the pattern for Recency as well

Step 4b: Recency and Monetary Profile

# lvls<-as.character(sort(unique(final.df$Recency)))
# final.df$Frequency2<-factor(final.df$Frequency,levels=lvls)

ggplot(final.df, aes(x=Recency  , y=Monetary , color="red")) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method=lm, se=FALSE)
`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Recent purchases(low value of Recency) tends to have more monetary value in comparison to purchases made some time back

Lets look at all the three metrics together.For this we would have to convert Recency and Frequency into buckets and then for each of these buckets we want to look at the total or average monetary value.

Step 5: Converting Frequency and Monetary values into Buckets

Wee will be converting them into buckets based on percentiles. So the grouping will be based on the following:

  • 0-25th Percentile as Score 1
  • 25-50th Percentile as Score 2
  • 50-75th Percentile as Score 3
  • 75-100th Percentile as Score 4

Obviously a higher frequency value is indicated by a higher score.

This grouping will be modified a little for recency as higher recency value would mean that th customer purchased a long time back.So recent purchase value(indicated by a low value and hence low percentile) will be given a high score

  mutate(Frequency_Group = ifelse(Frequency <= quantile(Frequency,0.25),1,
                           ifelse(Frequency <= quantile(Frequency,0.50),2,
                           ifelse(Frequency <= quantile(Frequency,0.75),3,4))))%>%
  mutate(Recency_Group = ifelse(Recency <= quantile(Recency,0.25),4,
                           ifelse(Recency <= quantile(Recency,0.50),3,
                           ifelse(Recency <= quantile(Recency,0.75),2,1))))%>%

# A tibble: 6 × 6
  customer_id        Frequency Monetary Recency Frequency_Group Recency_Group
  <chr>                  <int>    <dbl>   <dbl>           <dbl>         <dbl>
1 Abbey O'Reilly DVM         6      472     251               3             3
2 Add Senger                 3      340     186               1             3
3 Aden Lesch Sr.             4      405     240               2             3
4 Admiral Senger             5      448     178               2             4
5 Agness O'Keefe             9      843     136               4             4
6 Aileen Barton              9      763     130               4             4

Now for each of the combinations of Frequency_Group X Recency_Group, we want to look at average monetary value

`summarise()` has grouped output by 'Frequency_Group'. You can override using
the `.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  Frequency_Group Recency_Group Average_Monetary
            <dbl>         <dbl>            <dbl>
1               1             1             212.
2               1             2             257.
3               1             3             227.
4               1             4             242.
5               2             1             449.
6               2             2             440.

ggplot(final.df3, aes(x = Frequency_Group, 
                      y = Recency_Group, fill = Average_Monetary)) +
  geom_tile(color = "white",
            lwd = 1.5,
            linetype = 1) +

Higher monetary value is concentrated in high frequency groups and is independent of the recency factor

So far we have analysed the relationship between the RFM metrics and how the monetary values tend to be distributed with different values of Recency and Frequency. In most of the blogs that are available online, you will see that they just leverage RFM and create customer segments based on this. But we need some additional piece of information apart from RFM to be able to identify segments.These are churn and Lifetime value.In the next blogs we will use survival models and BTYD(Buy till you die) to calculate these metrcs and then group the customers into logical segments.

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